sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2009

Me again!

Good Morning!
I woke up today and i had a photoshoot humor so
I took all this pics :D i didnt put them all on myspace or facebook but here you will see all the photos, good or bad.

This is so funny, I look like a slut

I had a smoke but it didnt appeared on camera xD

Omg this is a terrible angle. But anyway, it would look better if I had some water drops over all my face haha but I didnt tought about it at the moment
So I tried for my first time to use photoshop but it didnt worked
I never edit my pics and I hate when people do it I mean like, photography its about the moment. Unless you are so fake.

Oh and by the way, I have a photo & arts exposition on december
I will have to take some good photos now! I have lots of Ideas but I'm still looking for models :( I was thinking of taking a photoshoot remembering childhood with nice meanings and I tried to use my 2 brothers that are actually cute but my brother is on a trip with his friends and my sister has the biggest pijama's night she'd ever had so I will have to wait a couple of days to do it!
And im so hurried
My idea it to make their hair seem messy and put on them big and ridiculous clothes, I dont know, black & white or something...Iknow, now im kind of always using black and white as you can see but whatever.

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